Hot Child in San Pedro City

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Solo adventure time is finally here!! I just dropped Paul off at the airport, he was pretty sad to go, I had to keep reminding him that he owns a place on San Pedro, it won't be last time he comes here. Lucky Dude.

After Paul was gone, I had a moment of exhilaration, today is the day that it all starts fresh, again. I love  change, and trying something new and exciting in San Pedro, on my very own, is exactly what I was craving. 

I made my way down to Chuck and Robbie's, after I grabbed an orange juice from Rubys Cafe, a place I went to religiously 5 years ago for my Johnny Cake breakfast. I talked to Robbie about diving, where to get good groceries, and where I can attempt to go running in the morning. Then he showed me my new casa. Holy mama, I am in love. It's bright yellow walls make me smile from ear to ear, the cute little kitchenette is where I'll be making some new meals, and my bed is huge!! The best part is that it had ocean front views. Hecckkkk ya! 

Remember how I said that I believe in omens? I've had a few appear since I've been here that have made my nervousness disappear, but this one caught me by surprise. I was fiddling with my new apartment keys in my hand ( I am always fidgeting, sitting still is not an option), when I looked down at them, I saw  the name "Simon". This made me smile. Simon is a good friend of mine that moved back to New Zealand last year, he taught me about seeking adventure, and I feel that this part of my trip will be th most adventurous part. Now you might be thinking "Girl, you just pickin' things to be excited about, quit it". It's okay, I kinda think that way myself, but when an omen sneaks up on my like this, my heart stops and I can't help but get so, so excited.

It's time to fill my fridge, and empty my backpack, before I know it I will be 60 feet deep in ocean blue.