To adventure!

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I have to admit, I've been avoiding starting a blog for a long time now. It has always been something I was interested in, mainly because I always have so much to say and not very many people to tell it too. 
Today seems like the most perfect day to start "Way it Goes" because I am about to take the plunge on an amazing journey. I'll tell you more about that later. 

Originally I planned for "Way it Goes" to have this super methodical title. Once I punched it into the data base- I found out someone was already methodical before me. Naturally, I shrugged my shoulders and said aloud to myself "Fuck it, way it goes". 

This blog is going to be about my life, which I am trying to jam pack full of adventure, love, fashion,  food and cats. "Way it Goes" is also a place for my friends and family to touch base with my travels. Thanks to my gypsy mother, I was born with the travel bug. I have had so many wonderful opportunities to visit places I'd never dreamt of going, and will continue to visit more. 

Today I am setting myself up for adventure, and going to Belize for 6 weeks. I've been there before when I was 17, and always wanted to go back.  I've recently decided I needed a life change. In the last month, I decided it was time to resign from my day job with a company I've been working with for 2 and a half years and take some time to find out who I really am and what I wanted from 2014. What better way to do it on beaches and in the deep blue.  

Visit "Way it Goes" to see what I've been up too, or to read the rambillings of my mind that I decided to share, there will be beautiful photos (many of cats) and stories of adventure, people who touch my heart and silly situations I always seems to get myself into. 

See ya later cold ass Canada!